Welcome to Our New Website! 

Thank you for visiting our Brand New Scale Model Masterpieces website store.
 We hope that you are having a pleasant first few days of Fall. We had our Flu shots last week and it took a couple of days to get over the slight reaction.
  The above image shows the long awaited N, HO, S  & O scale Corrugated Material loaded onto this websight. The Scale Model Masterpieces/Doctor Ben's Roofing Products was finally loaded onto the SMM websight. As I have repeatedly mention I am not a model RR-er, but I do love building railroad industry structures. And one of the techniques that I try to avoid is weathering aluminum materials. I can honestly say that the Doctor Ben’s metallic material takes all the hard work out having to use aluminum.
  So how would you like a free sample? Add a the word “corrugation” and your scale in the Check Out Comemnts and we will include a Sample in your next SMM order!
     Have a safe & great day!  Thank you very much for your continued business. We hope to one day see you in the Hobby Room....

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  We hope that you will find our SMM products of the same quality and caliber of our Doctor Ben's products and as always, if you like our products, please tell your friends. If not, please let us know why!

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Product Spotlight

Scale Model Masterpieces (formerly Thomas Yorke) 

Description for this item: Ashpit & Details Kit for Enginehouse/Roundhouse HO-  Seriously, this is NOT rocket science-it's just some minor assembly and weathering! Measure & remove the track ties that would be across the pit and then cut & glue (CA) the five (5) metal support bars as shown and then cement the NBWs on the outside of the rails in line with the support b
    Instructions to Assemble & Weather this Kit  Seriously, this is NOT rocket  science-it's just some minor assembly and weathering! Measure & remove the track  ties that would be across the pit and then cut & glue (CA) the five (5) metal  support bars as shown and then cement the NBWs on the outside of the rails in  line with the support bars. Measure & cut to fit the two (2) timber risers and  cement in place below the track rails. Glue the track in place & check with a  track gauge.More Here!


Wooden Barrels/Casks (10pcs)
  Scale Model Masterpieces              HO, S, & O
  Description for this item:... Wooden Barrels/Casks (10pcs)... SCALE MODEL MASTERPIECES O/On3/On30/1:43/1:48-Scale... SMM Natural Resin Architectural, Locomotive, and Detail Parts for Model Railroading & Scale Modeling are 'unfinished, often, unfinished parts that typically have multiples of the same item in the... Part Number: SMM9048

 Thank you for for your visit! 

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Thank you for your business! Please tell your friends; it’s our only advertising. Sincerely, Debbie & Richard Bendever

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